Transitioning from semi-manual to automatic processes

AZ Pneumatica is a leading Italian company in the design, production and international distribution of pneumatic valves and cylinders, as well as the realisation of highly customised integrated solutions. The collaboration with Kardex began more than 20 years ago. In 2021 the first of a two-part ambitious project for a complete automation of its production and distribution processes was launched.

AZ Pneumatica, using a complex manufacturing process, produces and distributes more than 60 thousand components worldwide. Confronted with rapid growth in demand together with managerial challenges, the company needed to implement significant changes.  This necessitated the complete automation of its production and distribution processes.

AZ Pneumatica needed a buffer system to manage its various processing stages for semi-finished products, and a robotic solution to handle materials between the production areas, located on different floors.

“Our picking speed has increased by 80% while picking errors have been reduced by 90%”

AZ Pneumatica

Enhanced component storage

In 2003, the company enhanced its component storage capabilities by installing 8 VLM Kardex Shuttles and 5 VCM Kardex Megamats. The upgrade not only saved valuable assembly space but also enabled precise inventory control and seamless access to goods.

The most recent operation was divided into two phases: Phase 1 - In 2021, a system consisting of 2 VBM Kardex Miniload-in-a-Box and 4 VLM Kardex Shuttles was implemented, increasing the number of daily orders processed while reducing human error. 

Phase 2 - the system deployed in 2023 consisted of one VBM Kardex Miniload-in-a-Box and two VLM Kardex Shuttles. This integration facilitated the optimisation of production areas by reducing the footprint previously designated for semi-finished product storage. Moreover, it rationalised human resource allocation, redirecting efforts toward  production-centric tasks rather than logistical operations, including the introduction of four AMRs automated inter-plant  transportation of goods.

Benefits of automated storage solutions

  • +80%

    Picking speed

  • -90%

    Picking errors

  • Doubled turnover

    With the same staff


Picking speed


Picking errors

Doubled turnover

With the same staff

Increase traceability and efficiency

Improve manufacturing efficiency with automated storage solutions for better traceability and throughput. Avoid bottlenecks and errors, optimise processes, and boost productivity.

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